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Preisner: 10 Easy Pieces For Piano - Mozdzer

Zbigniew Preisner (1955) - 10 Easy Pieces For Piano (2000)
1 Good Morning Melody
2 Meditation
3 To See More
4 Talking to Myself
5 Art of Flying
6 About Passing
7 Farewell
8 Tune a Day
9 Greetings from Pamalican
10 Good Night Melody
Leszek Mozdzer,Piano

Label EMI Music Distribution
Orig Year 6/6/2000

Simple and beautiful, January 11, 2002
By Andreas Ludwig (Vienna, Austria)
The ten pieces on this CD are simple - and most of their beauty results from this simplicity. They have the lyrical, dreamlike tone we know and love in the music of  Zbigniew Preisner. And it's always a nice dream expressed by these melodies - some are outright happy tunes ('To See More' and 'The Art Of Flying') or even funny ('A Tune A Day'). 
Lesdzek Mozdzer gives them a jazz-like touch in his improvisations, which prevents the music from turning into too sweat candy, but also lets the themes appear the more clear and fresh in their simple beauty (warning! some are earcatchers).
This is music you need no guide for, no knowledge of technique, history of music and biography of the artist, as it speaks for itself. 
People who expect hard intellectual tasks, headaches when listening first, and proud membership in an exclusive circle of distinct experts when they got used to ('understood') a certain, 'difficult style' will not like this CD. 
After all it's not pure jazz or demanding contemporary music, but something as difficult as simple, yet intelligent, music you can just listen to and enjoy.